"Everyone has a plan 'till they get punched in the mouth" - Mike Tyson

August 21, 2014

The Unbelievable

The exponential growth in technology is continuously allowing more and more rapid shifts to occur in the marketplace.  Whether it's solar panels, DNA sequencing or whatever; the precedent is set for far fetched scale-able technologies to become near term realities.

"Over the past 13 years the cost of sequencing DNA has dropped 1,000 times more than Moore's Law, from $100 million per human genome to only $1,000"

Ilumina has absolutely changed the gene sequencing game since their inception in 1998.  Who saw this coming 10 years ago?  You can find the rest of the Forbes story here.

Naturally the stock has been incredible over the past few years.  Looking at the chart, this thing doesn't look close to finished.  It appears to be forming an infamous cup with handle pattern looking for a move to the mid 200's if it breaks to new highs.  

  Trade 'em well!

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